Tan has a Monster of a Headache and she's getting Painkillers for that. They are holding off on the Lumbar Puncture until tomorrow. They're getting Tanya back in Theater and do some Looking at/Revising (Valve) of the Shunt. They said the Shunt Works, but the Pain level indicates it's not Working very Well. If things don't Improve after the Surgery, they will do the Lumbar Puncture. Hopefully more Concrete Answers tomorrow. I will keep you Posted.
Tanya asked me to Update the Blog and Organize an Auction-Sale since Funds are Low and Medical Insurance (for Europe) and Rent in Thailand still have to be Paid, so I (we) Hope you Like to Play with us. =) The Plan: I will post pics of Jewelry from Tan-Aardvark Silver here on the Blog for a Starting price and a Buy it Now price. I will Try to post 3 pieces every day for the coming week (don't Shoot me if I don't make the Target ;). When you see something you Like, you can place a Bid or Buy it Now. This is a little Taste of Things to Come. =)

Also coming on Aardvark Silver: Value Packs! In the mean time have a Look at my Aardvark Gems Europe shop on Artfire: http://www.artfire.com/users/AardvarkGemsEU. Up for Sale are several jewelry items (Pendants and Earrings) and 75% of Proceeds go to Tanya and I offer Free Worldwide Shipping on this jewelry.
Any Comments or Suggestions? Please Share: very Welcome! =)
Thank you for Playing with us, Keep an Eye on this Blog and have Fun with it!
Warm greetz from The Netherlands! Mx
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