I came to visit with the lovely Miss M and the object of the visit this time was to donate my hair.
Hair Wishes www.haarwensen.nl is a group who make wigs for kids who have lost their hair due to illness. It is one of the ways I can show a little bit of love and care for others.
We are celebrating for the shildren this time.The last time we had a small celebration it was for a pain free day.Well that was all too short and I am back to square one as far as the headache goes.This has come as a very very rude shock and is not the news I wished to share.
So lets try again.......
I want to sort this finally before I go home.
Lets have a competition
Any suggestions on that one?
Looking forward to sharing more soon
Light and Love to all
Tanya and Marjorie xxxxxxxx
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
It's a small celebration.......
Surgery was yesterday and I slept the best part of the day and all of the night.
I woke today with NO headache.This is a small miracle in itself and it a major reason to celebrate.And so we will.
I had a very high tech valve implanted yesterday to control the flow of fluid in the shunt.It means now that the over drainage headache I have had for the last three weeks will settle as we get a normal flow happening.I am SOOOOOO excited.
To say Thanks for all the well wishes seems like not enough.I really appreciate all the Love,Care and Support that has been sent my way and I feel it from you all.Each of you has your very own touch and that individual care has been so wonderful.I am truly Blessed and Thank you.
So how would I like to celebrate?
I am going to create a limited edition earrings set to go out to all who purchase a piece of the auction/BIN jewelry and for all who take part in the sale we are currently running as well.
For the next week (from this post today) anyone who makes a purchase of any sort will have a signature pair of earrings included in their parcel as a gift from me.A way for me to say Thank you and for you to join an exclusive group.
Thank you all for your continued support.Please dont forget that Xmas is not far off and these items will make lovely gifts for you or someone you love.
Light and Love to all
Tanya and Marjorie
Surgery was yesterday and I slept the best part of the day and all of the night.
I woke today with NO headache.This is a small miracle in itself and it a major reason to celebrate.And so we will.
I had a very high tech valve implanted yesterday to control the flow of fluid in the shunt.It means now that the over drainage headache I have had for the last three weeks will settle as we get a normal flow happening.I am SOOOOOO excited.
To say Thanks for all the well wishes seems like not enough.I really appreciate all the Love,Care and Support that has been sent my way and I feel it from you all.Each of you has your very own touch and that individual care has been so wonderful.I am truly Blessed and Thank you.
So how would I like to celebrate?
I am going to create a limited edition earrings set to go out to all who purchase a piece of the auction/BIN jewelry and for all who take part in the sale we are currently running as well.
For the next week (from this post today) anyone who makes a purchase of any sort will have a signature pair of earrings included in their parcel as a gift from me.A way for me to say Thank you and for you to join an exclusive group.
Thank you all for your continued support.Please dont forget that Xmas is not far off and these items will make lovely gifts for you or someone you love.
Light and Love to all
Tanya and Marjorie
Monday, September 13, 2010
Back to Hospital & Auctions
Bids can be made by email: aardvarkgemseu@gmail.com, or in a Private Message on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/MixesJewelry.

Bracelet Tibetan Dzi beads, Agate, Thai Silver. Inside opening size 7cm 6.7inch
SOLD! Thank you!
Thanks heaps.These are a one time thing and I will not be doing this again after this lot of stock is sold.So take advanatage of the lowest prices you can while they are about.
Hi all,
Just a quick note to say how it all is right now.
I was due back to hospital for a shunt revision on Wednesday (oh that is today....where did my day go yesterday????).This now scheduled for Monday next week.That is if the actual valve arrives.The one they are fitting is a special one made to go into an L-P shunt.The ones that they usually use are to be placed vertically and so is unsuitable for this situation.It will sit horizontally and hopefully regulate drainage just that much better than has been happening.
To say I am anxious is an understatement.
Ok so now that I can see that light at the end of the tunnel I am now preparing to go back to Bangkok and to my regular life.It has been such a great time here that I am hoping to make it back next year after a trip to Australia for my youngest daughters wedding.
In preparation for my going home I am working on selling some of my stock.Marjorie has been a great help here as well.I could not have done this without her support. I need to sell as much of it as I am able because I really dont want to take it home.The import tax on taking my own items back is more than 30%.A nasty hit.
Todays auction pieces are here now and I was supposed to do these on Sunday.I wish my head would let me do what I need to do.Soon soon soon.
And so on that note I will close.
Please email Miss M with your bids at these contact addresses
Bids can be made by email: aardvarkgemseu@gmail.com, or in a Private Message on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/MixesJewelry.
Auctions will Run for 5 days, Shipping will be $1.50 Worldwide. Any Q's? Please Ask. Want Bigger pics? Just contact me. =)
I tried to get the Pics and Color as Real as Possible, though Differences may Occur depending on Settings and Screens.
Thank you to all and Sending Light and Love.
Tanya xxxxxxxxxx
Auctions will Run for 5 days, Shipping will be $1.50 Worldwide (no matter how many items). Any Q's? Please Ask. Want Bigger pics? Just contact me. =) I tried to get the Pics and Color as Real as Possible, though Differences may Occur depending on Settings and Screens.
************************Size: 16.5 + 2cm = 6.5 + 0.8", measured inside.
Happy Bracelet with Agates, Smokey Quartz, Carnelian, Magnesite Turquoise, Amethyst, Rock Crystal, Crystals and Silver
SOLD, Thank you!
Happy Bracelet with Agates, Smokey Quartz, Carnelian, Magnesite Turquoise, Amethyst, Rock Crystal, Crystals and Silver
SOLD, Thank you!

Item number AVS-BTH - Size: 18.5 + 3cm = 7.3" + 1.2".
Lovely Tiger's Eye/Iron and Hematite Bracelet, .925 Sterling Silver.
SOLD! Thank you! =D)
Lovely Tiger's Eye/Iron and Hematite Bracelet, .925 Sterling Silver.
SOLD! Thank you! =D)

Item number AVS-EGT - Size: 76mm = 3" including ear wire.
Stunning green Garnet earrings with .999 Thai Silver ear wires and Tassels.
SOLD, Thank you!
Stunning green Garnet earrings with .999 Thai Silver ear wires and Tassels.
SOLD, Thank you!

Bracelet Tibetan Dzi beads, Agate, Thai Silver. Inside opening size 7cm 6.7inch
SOLD! Thank you!
Thanks heaps.These are a one time thing and I will not be doing this again after this lot of stock is sold.So take advanatage of the lowest prices you can while they are about.
Hi all,
Just a quick note to say how it all is right now.
I was due back to hospital for a shunt revision on Wednesday (oh that is today....where did my day go yesterday????).This now scheduled for Monday next week.That is if the actual valve arrives.The one they are fitting is a special one made to go into an L-P shunt.The ones that they usually use are to be placed vertically and so is unsuitable for this situation.It will sit horizontally and hopefully regulate drainage just that much better than has been happening.
To say I am anxious is an understatement.
Ok so now that I can see that light at the end of the tunnel I am now preparing to go back to Bangkok and to my regular life.It has been such a great time here that I am hoping to make it back next year after a trip to Australia for my youngest daughters wedding.
In preparation for my going home I am working on selling some of my stock.Marjorie has been a great help here as well.I could not have done this without her support. I need to sell as much of it as I am able because I really dont want to take it home.The import tax on taking my own items back is more than 30%.A nasty hit.
Todays auction pieces are here now and I was supposed to do these on Sunday.I wish my head would let me do what I need to do.Soon soon soon.
And so on that note I will close.
Please email Miss M with your bids at these contact addresses
Bids can be made by email: aardvarkgemseu@gmail.com, or in a Private Message on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/MixesJewelry.
Auctions will Run for 5 days, Shipping will be $1.50 Worldwide. Any Q's? Please Ask. Want Bigger pics? Just contact me. =)
I tried to get the Pics and Color as Real as Possible, though Differences may Occur depending on Settings and Screens.
Thank you to all and Sending Light and Love.
Tanya xxxxxxxxxx
Friday, September 10, 2010
Update Friday, September 10th
I have talked to Tanya (Aardvark Silver) this morning. She is very Tired and in much Pain but she is Positive and Trusts her doctors. She Managed to Restore some Trust between the doctor and her and had a Good talk with him.
She will not be going into Surgery today because they decided they needed a Special Pressure Valve for her Shunt, but that had to be Ordered. They expect the Valve to be there on Monday or Tuesday, so Surgery will probably be Wednesday.
To Help her Cope with the Awful Headache, they are sending her to the Pain Clinic in Hope she gets some Relieve. The doctor wants to Hold off on a Puncture, to not to Interrupt the Valve's workings when installed next week. After Puncture Fluids take up to 7-10 days to return to 'Normal'. He says over and under Pressure symptoms are alike and if Head is Bearable: please Hold on.
Meanwhile, Staff is Wonderful to her and she actually Enjoys the Silence and Peace of being Alone (well as Alone as you get in a Hospital lol). Please send her some Love, Hugs, Light, Prayers, Energy and all I Forgot to Mention? Thanx so Much! ♥
Also have a Look at the Aardvark Silver Jewelry Auctions Post on this Blog? Auctions run for 5 days and there's a Buy it Now price on them, for if you can't wait that Long. ;) I will be Posting new Jewelry by Tanya every Day.
Will keep you Updated on Tanya when I have News and the Auctions. Wonderful Friday to you All! ♥ =D) Mx
She will not be going into Surgery today because they decided they needed a Special Pressure Valve for her Shunt, but that had to be Ordered. They expect the Valve to be there on Monday or Tuesday, so Surgery will probably be Wednesday.
To Help her Cope with the Awful Headache, they are sending her to the Pain Clinic in Hope she gets some Relieve. The doctor wants to Hold off on a Puncture, to not to Interrupt the Valve's workings when installed next week. After Puncture Fluids take up to 7-10 days to return to 'Normal'. He says over and under Pressure symptoms are alike and if Head is Bearable: please Hold on.
Meanwhile, Staff is Wonderful to her and she actually Enjoys the Silence and Peace of being Alone (well as Alone as you get in a Hospital lol). Please send her some Love, Hugs, Light, Prayers, Energy and all I Forgot to Mention? Thanx so Much! ♥
Also have a Look at the Aardvark Silver Jewelry Auctions Post on this Blog? Auctions run for 5 days and there's a Buy it Now price on them, for if you can't wait that Long. ;) I will be Posting new Jewelry by Tanya every Day.
Will keep you Updated on Tanya when I have News and the Auctions. Wonderful Friday to you All! ♥ =D) Mx
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Tan is Back in Hospital... Solutions tomorrow?
Hi All! No sorry, not Tanya here, but Marjorie ( from M-ixes, aka Mx). At the Moment Tanya is in the Hospital with a very Unhappy head and she will not Able to get online (much) for the coming days.
Tan has a Monster of a Headache and she's getting Painkillers for that. They are holding off on the Lumbar Puncture until tomorrow. They're getting Tanya back in Theater and do some Looking at/Revising (Valve) of the Shunt. They said the Shunt Works, but the Pain level indicates it's not Working very Well. If things don't Improve after the Surgery, they will do the Lumbar Puncture. Hopefully more Concrete Answers tomorrow. I will keep you Posted.
Tanya asked me to Update the Blog and Organize an Auction-Sale since Funds are Low and Medical Insurance (for Europe) and Rent in Thailand still have to be Paid, so I (we) Hope you Like to Play with us. =) The Plan: I will post pics of Jewelry from Tan-Aardvark Silver here on the Blog for a Starting price and a Buy it Now price. I will Try to post 3 pieces every day for the coming week (don't Shoot me if I don't make the Target ;). When you see something you Like, you can place a Bid or Buy it Now. This is a little Taste of Things to Come. =)

Also coming on Aardvark Silver: Value Packs! In the mean time have a Look at my Aardvark Gems Europe shop on Artfire: http://www.artfire.com/users/AardvarkGemsEU. Up for Sale are several jewelry items (Pendants and Earrings) and 75% of Proceeds go to Tanya and I offer Free Worldwide Shipping on this jewelry.
Any Comments or Suggestions? Please Share: very Welcome! =)
Thank you for Playing with us, Keep an Eye on this Blog and have Fun with it!
Warm greetz from The Netherlands! Mx
Tan has a Monster of a Headache and she's getting Painkillers for that. They are holding off on the Lumbar Puncture until tomorrow. They're getting Tanya back in Theater and do some Looking at/Revising (Valve) of the Shunt. They said the Shunt Works, but the Pain level indicates it's not Working very Well. If things don't Improve after the Surgery, they will do the Lumbar Puncture. Hopefully more Concrete Answers tomorrow. I will keep you Posted.
Tanya asked me to Update the Blog and Organize an Auction-Sale since Funds are Low and Medical Insurance (for Europe) and Rent in Thailand still have to be Paid, so I (we) Hope you Like to Play with us. =) The Plan: I will post pics of Jewelry from Tan-Aardvark Silver here on the Blog for a Starting price and a Buy it Now price. I will Try to post 3 pieces every day for the coming week (don't Shoot me if I don't make the Target ;). When you see something you Like, you can place a Bid or Buy it Now. This is a little Taste of Things to Come. =)

Also coming on Aardvark Silver: Value Packs! In the mean time have a Look at my Aardvark Gems Europe shop on Artfire: http://www.artfire.com/users/AardvarkGemsEU. Up for Sale are several jewelry items (Pendants and Earrings) and 75% of Proceeds go to Tanya and I offer Free Worldwide Shipping on this jewelry.
Any Comments or Suggestions? Please Share: very Welcome! =)
Thank you for Playing with us, Keep an Eye on this Blog and have Fun with it!
Warm greetz from The Netherlands! Mx
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Hospital....Good News BUT......
The view from my hospital bed.Lovely surroundings and very peaceful in the grounds.Very conducive to healing.
Ok so I went and had surgery.Wasn't that a fun time?????
I spent 11 days in hospital and was treated very well.The nursing staff and the Drs were lovely.Mostly..... I was sent home on 27th August by a lovely Senior Consulting Specialist who's parting words were... "I know better than you do about the headache you have and so go home and wait until I want to see you again" Arrogant man.
Anyway the good news is that the shunt seems to be working in some way.The BUT.... is that it hasnt resolved the head problem and if anything my headaches are worse than before.I am taking pain meds that are not the best to be using and still dont get much relief.Takes the edges off and that is about it.
So the next step is to go back tomorrow and I am due to have the shunt revised.They will put in a valve that hopefully will control the level of drainage better than is happening currently.Then maybe I can have my head back normally and can function.It is so exciting to be so close but is still disheartening and I will do what I need to to finish this process.
So close so close.
And so the next thing is to say Thank You to all.I am going to have to have a huge sale and a giveaway.We are also going to have some auctions ongoing in the next few weeks so that I can get myself back home to Bangkok and back to my regular life.It has been kind of surreal to be here.
I will sort the details in the next short while.I know with Xmas coming, supplies will be needed for those sales.Its great that I am able to help out there if I am allowed.
Ok now off to lie down again.Got to turn the pain in my head down a lot.
Any suggestions to help that are welcome.I am happy to at least try and see.
Thanks again and talk soon
Light and Love to all
Tanya xxxxx
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