It has been several months now since I wrote here.A quick update is in order.
I went back to Germany over Xmas and New Year because my head was no better.I had several tests and lots of talking with Drs and came home with Xrays, MRI films and CT scans.I was told to go home and rest.
Ok so I got back to Thailand early Feb and decided to "suck it up" as the saying goes and get on with life.Apparently all was normal now in my body as some of the "best" Drs in the world had told me so.
I went back to work as best I could and have been struggling with teaching and trying to keep up with it all as the pain did not improve.In fact it was getting worse.
So what to do next? I went to have acupuncture to see if that would help to reduce pain levels.Well it worked to reduce the pain a little for about 1/2 a day after treatment but as my Dr was only available one day a week this was kind of not suitable.He asked me to bring in my films so he could take a look at what was shown there.
Well I sat in his chair and he looked and looked again and then asked me what was clearly (for me anyway) a bombshell question. His words were " they said these were normal scans?"
As I nodded he started to point out different places that were not normal on the pictures.
From there I was referred to see a Neurospecialist at another hospital who has referred me for more MRI films and tests including another Lumbar puncture (Spinal Tap) and a set of blood work which includes Tumour markers.
I saw a second Dr for another opinion and got the same sort of referrals and so went to see a third Dr who also concurred with the other two.None of these Drs knows the others and so it was interesting that they all came up with the same ideas based on the "normal" scans I had been sent home with.
I have had some blood tests done and am awaiting results.I see a new Neurospecialist in 25th May and go from there.
As a result of being unable to keep up with everything I am closing Aardvark Silver.The web page is already closed and the Artfire stores have been downgraded to Basic and I am not listing anything new there.
I have a partner here who will look after any customers who wish to still purchase silver or other items and you can contact him via the email address He will then be in touch and let you know where you can still get products.
If you want to keep in touch by email please use the same address and I will do my best to get back to you.I spend a lot of my days sleeping and then trying to get to class so I can at least keep a roof over my head.
It has started as an interesting year and looks set to become even more so.
I want to Thank everyone.Aardvark Silver was my whole life for a long time and it is kind of sad to see it go.I will miss you all in so many many ways and I really do appreciate the Love,Care and Support that has been shown.I hope you feel I have returned it as that was my intention.
And so this is my last post.
Thank you again
Light and Love to all
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Thank you
Ok I know it seems I have been slack and I guess I could have tried a little harder to update my blog but in the last three weeks I have struggled just to do daily living stuff and to keep my head above the proverbial water.
Today I make an effort so that I can give away the lovely Labordorite set.The other two give aways are also here as well.Thank you all for your patience.
So the Torque necklace and the wire wrapped Turquoise went to Miss Barb in the US.She already has it and I hope she likes it but havent heard back yet.
The Coral set is going to Miss Piglet.I hope you like it and I hope you enjoy wearing it.It should get there for the festive season if I hurry and get it away today
The Laboradite set will go to Miss I in PA. I will need you to email me with your shipping details so I can get it off to you.I hope you love it as much as I have enjoyed being a part of it as well.
The silver is still on sale in the web page at 50% off until 22nd Dec.I am having to have that date as my last date for orders so I can get them shipped.I am taking a break for I dont know how long so please hurry in and get supplies.As these prices are mostly less than cost you get a bargain and I get to share Xmas good will with you all. Coupon code is 50%off to be used at checkout and most items will not be restocked as we are looking at new products.
The sale will continue until New Years Eve in the AardvarkEurope Arfire store so if you miss out off the web site you might find something else there.50% off will not EVER be offered again. Marjorie has a 20% off on her stones right now as well.
So on that note I am off to pack up these lovelies.
Thank you all for your support this year.I could not have done it without you.Please keep in touch via email
Light and Love to all
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Winner Time and Merry Xmas,well a little Early
Red Coral with Sterling and Fine Silver Bracelet
Red Coral with Fine and Sterling Silver earrings
Red Coral with Fine and Sterling Silver Necklace
Merry Xmas, Merry Xmas, Merry Xmas.
Oh too soon? I know we only have 50 days until Xmas and so this give away will come wrapped ready to gift to you or to someone you love.
How to Enter?
- Post a link to any of our web pages or to the blog.These are listed at the end of this post.
- Email me with the link to so I know you have entered.
- If you havent already friended the Aardvark Silver children details are below and these are also ways you can enter.
Aardvark Gems Europe is a joint venture with Marjorie Ixes A most amazing lady who has such lovely gems and jewelery.All items from her Artfire store Aardvark Gems Europe will be shipped from The Netherlands.
Bonus entries will be awarded for every $10 you spend in the Artfire Aardvark store, in the Artfire Aardvark Gems Europe store, in the Aardvark Silver web page or at the Fusion Muse web page.
For news letter subscribers in the web pages we have sent out our first news letter with some really great Pre Xmas specials to get you on track for your Xmas production. Look for our next letter as there will be more great discounts and as silver has increased in price so much in the last months you will get even better prices than usual.Some items are below cost so hurry in as it will be first in first served.This will go out in the next few days and has new specials just for subscribers.
Today's Winner
The earring package that was given away on Tuesday goes to Drum Roll please.........
The lovely Miss Beth Martin.Can you please send me your shipping address to email
We thank you all for your interest and look forward to you playing soon.
Light and Love to all
Tanya and Marjorie
Aardvark Silver fan page
Aardvark Gems Europe
Artfire Aardvark
Artfire Aardvark Gems Europe
Aardvark Silver web page
Fusion Muse web page.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
HandKase Mit Music
The first give away game we were playing was to correctly identify this dish.LOL It is Handkase mit Musik.This dish is traditionally eaten in the Palantine area of Germany and it is really a delicacy that requires some getting used to.Let me explain..... it is cheese that smells like socks that have been worn in wet gym shoes and then stored in a locker for another three months.Add to that raw onions, caraway seeds and brown vinegar and hey presto you have a dish that will produce music from your body about 12 hours later LOL. It is eaten with Rye bread usually and if you have a partner make sure they can stand the smell because the cheese smell lingers for days.Check out the Wikipedia link if you want to know more
Well I have been through all the emails and the only people who know what it is are not playing.So how do I give the lovely Pearls set away?
Randomly chosen was Miss PaulaNC.......Can you please email me with a shipping address so I can get this away to you? Congratulations Miss Paula.
So I have a new give away.
Fine Silver Torque which is a solid piece of silver.It has a slight hammered texture and can be worn naked just as it is.
Aardvark Gems Europe is a joint venture with Marjorie Ixes A most amazing lady who has such lovely gems and jewelery.All items from her Artfire store Aardvark Gems Europe will be shipped from The Netherlands.
Bonus entries will be awarded for every $10 you spend in the Artfire Aardvark store, in the Artfire Aardvark Gems Europe store, in the Aardvark Silver web page or at the Fusion Muse web page.
For news letter subscribers in the web pages we have sent out our first news letter with some really great Pre Xmas specials to get you on track for your Xmas production. Look for our next letter as there will be more great discounts and as silver has increased in price so much in the last months you will get even better prices than usual.Some items are below cost so hurry in as it will be first in first served.This will go out in the next few days and has new specials just for subscribers.
This give away will run until Monday 8th Nov 2010.As that is a pretty special day for me there will be an extra special bonus for the winner.
Thank you for playing.I also know I have one other give away due to finish today too and I will find the winner and announce that later today.
We are looking forward to hearing from many of you.
Light and Love to all
Tanya and Marjorie
Aardvark Silver fan page
Aardvark Gems Europe
Artfire Aardvark
Artfire Aardvark Gems Europe
Aardvark Silver web page
Fusion Muse web page.
Well I have been through all the emails and the only people who know what it is are not playing.So how do I give the lovely Pearls set away?
Randomly chosen was Miss PaulaNC.......Can you please email me with a shipping address so I can get this away to you? Congratulations Miss Paula.
So I have a new give away.
Fine Silver Torque which is a solid piece of silver.It has a slight hammered texture and can be worn naked just as it is.
I will include the lovely wrapped Blue Howlite Pendant in this photo so you have something to hang on the swirl if you want to dress it up.
How to Enter??????
Same way as before.
- Post a link to any of our web pages or to the blog.These are listed at the end of this post.
- Email me with the link to so I know you have entered.
- If you havent already Friended the Aardvark Silver children details are below and these are also ways you can enter.
Aardvark Gems Europe is a joint venture with Marjorie Ixes A most amazing lady who has such lovely gems and jewelery.All items from her Artfire store Aardvark Gems Europe will be shipped from The Netherlands.
Bonus entries will be awarded for every $10 you spend in the Artfire Aardvark store, in the Artfire Aardvark Gems Europe store, in the Aardvark Silver web page or at the Fusion Muse web page.
For news letter subscribers in the web pages we have sent out our first news letter with some really great Pre Xmas specials to get you on track for your Xmas production. Look for our next letter as there will be more great discounts and as silver has increased in price so much in the last months you will get even better prices than usual.Some items are below cost so hurry in as it will be first in first served.This will go out in the next few days and has new specials just for subscribers.
This give away will run until Monday 8th Nov 2010.As that is a pretty special day for me there will be an extra special bonus for the winner.
Thank you for playing.I also know I have one other give away due to finish today too and I will find the winner and announce that later today.
We are looking forward to hearing from many of you.
Light and Love to all
Tanya and Marjorie
Aardvark Silver fan page
Aardvark Gems Europe
Artfire Aardvark
Artfire Aardvark Gems Europe
Aardvark Silver web page
Fusion Muse web page.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Here We go again.........
Today I have a very special give away for a very special reason.
I want to introduce you to some very special children that came into being while I was in Europe.
First let me show you a little of what is on offer.
Laboradite and Prasiolite (Green Amethyst) with Sterling Silver bracelet.
This set that I am putting up for give away has been about 15 months in the making.I finally was able to complete it just the day before yesterday.It has been on hold because my head basically said "no more creating". Well I have finally over ridden that command and so here is the end result.
Laboradite and Prasiolite (Green Amethyst) with Sterling Silver Earrings
Each stone is individually wrapped onto the custom made chain.The earrings are set on lever back hooks so they will stay securely where they are put in your ears.
The focal pendant features an amazing Laboradite cab that has been faceted to catch the light and has loads of flash and colour play.The upper stone is a Topaz that gently compliments the colours in the Laboradite.All set in a Sterling Silver bezel.
Laboradite and Prasiolite (Green Amethyst) with Sterling Silver Necklace
The AAA grade Briolettes of faceted Laboradite and smooth polished Prasiolite move with you.They are securely wrapped directly onto the chain with Sterling Silver pins.
A little more detail to show you.
This set would retail of about $1500 so it a prize worth winning.
How to Enter
1. Become friends with AardvarkSilver Europe
2. Become friends with AardvarkGems Europe
3. Post a link to any of the following stores:
Aardvark Silver
Artfire Aardvark
Artfire Aardvark Gems Europe
Fusion Muse
And then send me an email at to say you did.
If you are already friends with the pages mentioned then you can LIKE the Aardvark Silver fan page and still send out links to the stores.Already LIKE all the pages and want to get more entries? Post links and let me know by email or make a purchase from the stores.
Bonus entries will be awarded for every $10 you spend in the Artfire Aardvark store, in the Artfire Aardvark Gems Europe store, in the Aardvark Silver web page or at the Fusion Muse web page.
For news letter subscribers in the web pages we have sent out our first news letter with some really great Pre Xmas specials to get you on track for your Xmas production. Look for our next letter as there will be more great discounts and as silver has increased in price so much in the last months you will get even better prices than usual.Some items are below cost so hurry in as it will be first in first served.
If you have not signed up then it may be a great time to do so as I will have to increase silver prices to meet the increased market price very soon.In fact I have begun to adjust pricing in my files but wont upload it to the various different selling sites I have until the end of October so that you can all benefit from the lower prices.Newsletter subscribers will get additional discounts and coupon codes to use that wont be available to the general public.
Aardvark Gems Europe is a joint venture with Marjorie Ixes A most amazing lady who has such lovely gems and jewelery.All items from her Artfire store Aardvark Gems Europe will be shipped from The Netherlands.
And so now you have a little more idea why this is so special.
We are celebrating and want you to share.
Looking forward to sending this out to a new home.This Give away runs until Dec 15th 2010 and will be sent gift boxed ready to gift to yourself or someone you love.
Come and join in the fun.
Light and Love to all
Tanya and Marjorie.
I want to introduce you to some very special children that came into being while I was in Europe.
First let me show you a little of what is on offer.
Laboradite and Prasiolite (Green Amethyst) with Sterling Silver bracelet.
This set that I am putting up for give away has been about 15 months in the making.I finally was able to complete it just the day before yesterday.It has been on hold because my head basically said "no more creating". Well I have finally over ridden that command and so here is the end result.
Laboradite and Prasiolite (Green Amethyst) with Sterling Silver Earrings
Each stone is individually wrapped onto the custom made chain.The earrings are set on lever back hooks so they will stay securely where they are put in your ears.
The focal pendant features an amazing Laboradite cab that has been faceted to catch the light and has loads of flash and colour play.The upper stone is a Topaz that gently compliments the colours in the Laboradite.All set in a Sterling Silver bezel.
Laboradite and Prasiolite (Green Amethyst) with Sterling Silver Necklace
The AAA grade Briolettes of faceted Laboradite and smooth polished Prasiolite move with you.They are securely wrapped directly onto the chain with Sterling Silver pins.
A little more detail to show you.
This set would retail of about $1500 so it a prize worth winning.
How to Enter
1. Become friends with AardvarkSilver Europe
2. Become friends with AardvarkGems Europe
3. Post a link to any of the following stores:
Aardvark Silver
Artfire Aardvark
Artfire Aardvark Gems Europe
Fusion Muse
And then send me an email at to say you did.
If you are already friends with the pages mentioned then you can LIKE the Aardvark Silver fan page and still send out links to the stores.Already LIKE all the pages and want to get more entries? Post links and let me know by email or make a purchase from the stores.
Bonus entries will be awarded for every $10 you spend in the Artfire Aardvark store, in the Artfire Aardvark Gems Europe store, in the Aardvark Silver web page or at the Fusion Muse web page.
For news letter subscribers in the web pages we have sent out our first news letter with some really great Pre Xmas specials to get you on track for your Xmas production. Look for our next letter as there will be more great discounts and as silver has increased in price so much in the last months you will get even better prices than usual.Some items are below cost so hurry in as it will be first in first served.
If you have not signed up then it may be a great time to do so as I will have to increase silver prices to meet the increased market price very soon.In fact I have begun to adjust pricing in my files but wont upload it to the various different selling sites I have until the end of October so that you can all benefit from the lower prices.Newsletter subscribers will get additional discounts and coupon codes to use that wont be available to the general public.
Aardvark Gems Europe is a joint venture with Marjorie Ixes A most amazing lady who has such lovely gems and jewelery.All items from her Artfire store Aardvark Gems Europe will be shipped from The Netherlands.
And so now you have a little more idea why this is so special.
We are celebrating and want you to share.
Looking forward to sending this out to a new home.This Give away runs until Dec 15th 2010 and will be sent gift boxed ready to gift to yourself or someone you love.
Come and join in the fun.
Light and Love to all
Tanya and Marjorie.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
And so we Keep on Giving Away
Todays give away......
Well I figured it was time to look in the cupboard again and see what was there.
How about a bundle of earrings today? To keep or to give as gifts.
So the earring pics below are in the bundle I am giving away today.All handmade with Sterling components and shell,gemstone or pearls.Lovely little bundle.One set doesnt match your wardrobe??? Well gift them on.Xmas is coming after all.
How to enter?
Same as the last few days.
All you need to do is post a link to this blog, The Artfire Aardvark
store or to the Aardvark Silver web page and let me know where you set the link. You can either post it here in comments or send me an email to and I will enter you into the draw.
Bonus entries will be awarded for every $10 you spend in the Artfire Aardvark store or in the Aardvark Silver web page. For news letter subscribers in the web page we are about to send out our first news letter with some really great Pre Xmas specials to get you on track for your Xmas production. There will be great discounts and as silver has increased in price so much in the last months you will get even better prices than usual.If you have not signed up then it may be a great time to do so as I will have to increase silver prices to meet the increased market price very soon.In fact I have begun to adjust pricing in my files but wont upload it to the various different selling sites I have until the end of October so that you can all benefit from the lower prices.
I also need to let you all know we are running some great BELOW cost specials in the web page Aardvark Silver.It is time to give you guys the gifts so you can share them as well so I am keeping the silver prices the same until 1st Nov even though the price of silver has increased by about 60% in the last year.A HUGE jump and it is set to increase even more.So if you need supplies then now is the best time to buy before prices incease.Email me if you are interested in a wholesale discount.
This giveaway closes Midnight Bangkok time 2 Nov 2010
And if you havent entered the giveaways from previous days there is still time.
Thanks for joining in my fun giving away bits.
I look forward to giving away more pieces.
Light and Love to all
Well I figured it was time to look in the cupboard again and see what was there.
How about a bundle of earrings today? To keep or to give as gifts.
So the earring pics below are in the bundle I am giving away today.All handmade with Sterling components and shell,gemstone or pearls.Lovely little bundle.One set doesnt match your wardrobe??? Well gift them on.Xmas is coming after all.
How to enter?
Same as the last few days.
All you need to do is post a link to this blog, The Artfire Aardvark
store or to the Aardvark Silver web page and let me know where you set the link. You can either post it here in comments or send me an email to and I will enter you into the draw.
Bonus entries will be awarded for every $10 you spend in the Artfire Aardvark store or in the Aardvark Silver web page. For news letter subscribers in the web page we are about to send out our first news letter with some really great Pre Xmas specials to get you on track for your Xmas production. There will be great discounts and as silver has increased in price so much in the last months you will get even better prices than usual.If you have not signed up then it may be a great time to do so as I will have to increase silver prices to meet the increased market price very soon.In fact I have begun to adjust pricing in my files but wont upload it to the various different selling sites I have until the end of October so that you can all benefit from the lower prices.
I also need to let you all know we are running some great BELOW cost specials in the web page Aardvark Silver.It is time to give you guys the gifts so you can share them as well so I am keeping the silver prices the same until 1st Nov even though the price of silver has increased by about 60% in the last year.A HUGE jump and it is set to increase even more.So if you need supplies then now is the best time to buy before prices incease.Email me if you are interested in a wholesale discount.
This giveaway closes Midnight Bangkok time 2 Nov 2010
And if you havent entered the giveaways from previous days there is still time.
Thanks for joining in my fun giving away bits.
I look forward to giving away more pieces.
Light and Love to all
Party Day 2
Ok so lets see what is in the magic cupboard today that I can give away.
I am so excited that you all want to play.

I have picked out this lovely bracelet with a Huge Citrine focal, Carnelain,Smoky Quartz and Onyx for the give away today.
This one runs until 1st Nov and as we will be giving away many bits I do encourage you to enter as often as you like.These give away pieces will make great gifts either for you or someone else that is special in your life and they can be sent gift wrapped and ready to give.
To go in the draw for this one all you need to do is post a link to this blog, The Artfire Aardvark
store or to the Aardvark Silver web page and let me know where you set the link. You can either post it here in comments or send me an email to and I will enter you into the draw.
Bonus entries will be awarded for every $10 you spend in the Artfire Aardvark store or in the Aardvark Silver web page. For news letter subscribers in the web page we are about to send out our first news letter with some really great Pre Xmas specials to get you on track for your Xmas production. There will be great discounts and as silver has increased in price so much in the last months you will get even better prices than usual.If you have not signed up then it may be a great time to do so as I will have to increase silver prices to meet the increased market price very soon.In fact I have begun to adjust pricing in my files but wont upload it to the various different selling sites I have until the end of October so that you can all benefit from the lower prices.
I am going to keep giving away items until my cupboard is bare.Please help me get them to new homes where they can be loved and shown off in the world.
Light and Love to all
I am so excited that you all want to play.

I have picked out this lovely bracelet with a Huge Citrine focal, Carnelain,Smoky Quartz and Onyx for the give away today.
This one runs until 1st Nov and as we will be giving away many bits I do encourage you to enter as often as you like.These give away pieces will make great gifts either for you or someone else that is special in your life and they can be sent gift wrapped and ready to give.
To go in the draw for this one all you need to do is post a link to this blog, The Artfire Aardvark
store or to the Aardvark Silver web page and let me know where you set the link. You can either post it here in comments or send me an email to and I will enter you into the draw.
Bonus entries will be awarded for every $10 you spend in the Artfire Aardvark store or in the Aardvark Silver web page. For news letter subscribers in the web page we are about to send out our first news letter with some really great Pre Xmas specials to get you on track for your Xmas production. There will be great discounts and as silver has increased in price so much in the last months you will get even better prices than usual.If you have not signed up then it may be a great time to do so as I will have to increase silver prices to meet the increased market price very soon.In fact I have begun to adjust pricing in my files but wont upload it to the various different selling sites I have until the end of October so that you can all benefit from the lower prices.
I am going to keep giving away items until my cupboard is bare.Please help me get them to new homes where they can be loved and shown off in the world.
Light and Love to all
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