Traditional Flat lands and cows.Windmills and beaches. Come to rainy Netherlands.We have it all here.
I came here late last week to mentally prepare for next weeks operation.I know that the whole surgical thing of having a shunt put in should be something I am used to by now after having had 4 previous operations I was a lot scared so I have come to stay with my friend here.
Miss M is such a calming healing influence and has such love and care and I am being looked after like I could never have dreamed.Thank you Miss M.
It has been lovely to see rain like there is here.It is so very different to Bangkok and apart from being cold I think I like this cold summer a lot.The great company has helped.
The cows are awesome to watch.We took the lovely Miss Crimson (beautiful dog who is part Shepard, part something else ) out for a walk and I was like a little girl marvelling over cows and sheep.I guess the fresh air and scenery change has kind of addled my brain but then it was confused before anyway.All good.
So I didnt actually sit on the beach but I did get to see the North Sea and to smell the salty air.Reminded me of childhood as I grew up near some beautiful beaches in Sydney.
I go back to Germany late Sunday to face the next step in my journey.I am not sure I am really looking forward to it because the Drs can give no guarantees of success but I am going to do this because there are few choices right now.If it doesnt have a successful outcome I am back to Bangkok to prepare to come back to Europe next year and try again.
Please also note....for those of you who are after supplies.... I do have some with me and I am able to ship out easily from here.Apparently it is even faster for delivery than from Bangkok so please email me if you need a whole sale lot so I can send you a price.I really dont wnat to take anything home if I can avoid it.
Thank you all for your continued support.I will keep you posted as I am able.
Light and Love to all
Tanya xxxxxx